Thanks to all contributors for these questions.
1. SAP XI is an Integration technology and platform……(select the correct answers)
a) for SAP and non SAP applications.
b) for A2A and B2B scenarios
c) for asynchronous and synchronous applications
d) for cross-component Business Process Management.
2. XI represents the following layer in the NetWeaver stack: (select the correct answer)
a) People Integration
b) Information Integration
c) Process Integration
3. XI uses the following web standards (select the correct answers)
b) XSD
4. XI components include……..(select the correct answers)
a) SLD (System Landscape Directory)
b) Integration Builder
c) Integration Server
d) Central Monitoring
e) Adapter Engine
5. Integration Builder is a ……..(select the correct answer)
a) Java application
b) ABAP application
c) .NET application
6. Java Web Start is required for…….(select the correct answer)
a) Caching java clients
b) Drawing pictures
c) Connect to SUN systems
7. SLD is a……….(select the correct answer)
a) Client application
b) Server application
8. XI is technically a client of SLD
9. SLD adheres to ………(select the correct answer)
a) Common Information Model
b) Web Services Definition Language
c) XML Schema Definition Language
d) XML
10. Usage of PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit) is……(select the correct answer)
a) Allow small partners and subsidiaries to communicate natively with XI
b) For Partners to connect to database systems7444
c) Allow Partners to connect to .NET and Java applications
11. Certain adapters are needed in cases where the Integration Server is to exchange messages with an R/3 system based on basis kernel lower than……..(choose the correct answer)
a) 6.10
b) 6.20
c) 6.40
d) 4.5
12. XI supports the following QoS (Quality of Services)…….(choose the correct answers)
a) BE (Best Effort)
b) Exactly Once (EO)
c) Exactly Once In Order (EOIO)
d) Exactly Twice In Order (ETIO)
13. QoS BE is equal to (choose the correct answer)
a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
14. QoS EO is equal to (choose the correct answer)
a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
15. QoS EOIO is equal to (choose the correct answer)
a) Synchronous RFC (sRFC)
b) Asynchronous RFC (aRFC)
c) Transactional RFC (tRFC)
d) Queued RFC (qRFC)
16. Adapter Framework is based on (choose the correct answer).
a) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
b) NCA (.NET Connector Architecture)
c) PCK (Partner Connectivity Kit)
d) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
17. XI Adapter Engine is based on the integrated……(choose the correct answer)
a) ABAP engine
b) J2EE engine
c) .NET engine
d) JCA (Java Connector Architecture)
18. Integration Processes are built using……..(choose the correct answer).
a) WSDL (Web Services Definition Language)
b) BPEL (Business Process Execution Language)
c) XSD (XML Schema Definition Language)
d) JCL (Java Connector Language)
19. Runtime Workbench in XI is the central monitoring tool for the following…….(choose the correct answers)
a) Component Monitoring
b) Message Monitoring
c) End-to-End Monitoring
d) Performance Monitoring
e) Queue Monitoring
f) Schedule Monitoring
20. XI uses enhanced version of SOAP protocol called……(choose the correct answer)
21. What is the cardinality of MESSAGE TYPES : DATA TYPES
a) 1:1
b) 2:1
c) 2:2
d) 1:0
22. What are the advantages of ASYNCHRONOUS updates? (choose the correct answer)
a) Acknowledgement can be sent back
b) Messages can be persisted.
23. What are the advantages of SYNCHRONOUS updates? (choose the correct answers)
a) Acknowledgement can be sent back (messages can be persisted with additional configuration)
b) Messages can be persisted.
c) Messages cannot be persisted.
24. What is the Message format used in XI for processing?
a) Specific implementation of SOAP which is XI XML
b) JMS
c) RFC
25. What is an Adapter? (choose the correct answer)
a) Adapters are used to communicate to Legacy or SAP systems with WAS version <>
b) Adapters are used to retrieve information from Java, .NET systems
c) Adapters are used to import IDOC, RFC information.