SAP XI Certification Questions 1

SAP XI Certification Questions 1

26. In the Integration Repository, what is the KEY of an object or how can an object be uniquely identified?
a) SWCV, Namespace, Name
b) Namespace, Name, Description
c) Name, Description, SWCV

27. How do you classify NAME SPACE in an R/3 Environment?
a) Equivalent to function group
b) Equivalent to development class
c) Equivalent to function module
d) Equivalent to BAPI

28. What is ICM?
a) Internet Console Manager
b) Internet Communication Manager
c) Infrastructure Communication Manager
d) Intranet Communication Manager

29. A Customer has WAS 6.2 and has decided to use XI? (choose the correct answer)
a) He cannot use XI unless WAS 6.2 is upgraded to WAS 6.4
b) Can use XI with some additional patches
c) WAS 6.2 already has XI in it. No need of any additional software

30. What is the name space of an IDOC? (choose the correct answer)
a) urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
b) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:sap:messages
c) urn:sap-com:sap.document:idoc:messages
d) urn:sap-com:document:idoc:messages

31. What is the name space of an RFC ? (choose the correct answer)
a) urn:sap-com:document:rfc:sap:functions
b) urn:sap-com:document:bapi:rfc:functions
c) urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions
d) urn:sap-com:document:remote:rfc:functions

32. What doesn’t get transported when the configuration is released? (Choose the correct answer)
a) All Objects will get transported
b) Generated proxies and application coding in the application components does not get transported when the configuration is released.
c) Only application coding will not get transported.
d) Only generated proxies will not get transported.

33. How many Pipelines are there in the integration server? (choose the correct answer)
a) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch, Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding, Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.
b) Receiver Identification, Interface Identification, Message Branch, Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding.
c) Message Branch, Request Message Mapping, Outbound Binding, Call Adapter, Request Message Mapping.

34. What are the possible Trace Levels? (choose the correct answer)
a) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,2 – Medium Trace Level,3 – High Trace Level,4 – Expert Trace Level
b) 0 – No Trace,1 – Low Trace Level,2 – Medium Trace Level,3 – High Trace Level
c) 10 – Low Trace Level,20 – Medium Trace Level,30 – High Trace Level,40 – Expert Trace Level

35. Does JMS adapter need additional driver to communicate to database? (choose the correct answer)
a) Yes
b) No
c) JMS adapter is not available in XI

36. What is use of PCK? (choose the correct answer)
a) Partner Connectivity Kit that helps Partner Systems with no ability to communicate in XML speak to the Business Systems.
b) PCK is used to deploy additional drivers
c) PCK can be used as an alternative to XI

37. What is Context Object? What is its role?
a) Context Objects are pointers to a specific element within the message, for future reference. Encapsulate the access to data that is contained in the payload or in the header of the message.
b) Another form of data types
c) Can be used instead of message types

38. What adapters don’t need Sender Agreement?

39. What is the Protocol followed for Mail Adapter? (choose the correct answers)
c) POP3
d) POP4

40. Where do you configure an Adapter?
a) Sender Agreement
b) Receiver Determination
c) Business System
d) Communication Channel

41. Can a JDBC adapter query the database table? If yes, what are different possibilities?
a) Yes. You can configure sender and receiver communication channels. A special XML format is defined for content coming from the Integration Engine. This canonical format enables SQL Insert, Update, Select, Delete or stored procedure statements to be processed. A message is always processed in exactly one database transaction.
b) JDBC adapter cannot insert records in the database.
c) We should not insert, update records in the database directly.

42. The message monitoring status DLNG means ? (choose the correct answer)
a) DLNG = Delivering.
b) DLNG = Dialing
c) DLNG = Detailing
d) DLNG = Dismantling

43. Where do you perform Content Based Routing?
a) Receiver Determination
b) Receiver Agreement
c) Sender Agreement
d) Communication Channel

44. What are the various supported mapping types? (choose the correct answer)
a) Message Mapping, Java Mapping, XSLT Mapping, ABAP Mapping.
b) XSLT, Java, JDBC, JMS

45. With respect to ABAP proxies, what are the methods that can be coded?

46. “ Fields under a node with a minoccurs of ZERO has been mapped.” The values don’t appear in the target result, what could be wrong?
a) The parent node has not been assigned.
b) Parent node has cardinality 0…unbounded
c) Parent node has many fields

a) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the source system from where the message/information goes to XI and also the adapter, the Sender System uses.
b) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the target system from where the message/information goes out of XI and also the adapter, the Receiver System uses.
c) Sender Communication Channel is where you define the how the interface mapping takes place between Sender and Receiver.

48. XSLT is supported but two statements were not supported. What are they?
a) ,
b) ,
c) ,
d) All statements are supported.

49. What steps can be inserted in an Exception branch?
a) Terminate a process, trigger an alert.
b) Terminate the interface, trigger IDOC.
c) Terminate exception, branch integration process.

50. What is multi mapping? When can it be used?
a) Multi Mapping is used to map abstract interfaces and can only be used in ccBPM.
b) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Sender systems.
c) Can be used when there are multiple interfaces from Receiver systems.

SAP XI Certification Questions 1