SAP ABAP Certification Questions 2

SAP ABAP Certification Questions 1

51. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

a) Local objects CANNOT be transported to another instance.

b) After a CHANGE REQUEST is released, no further changes to its' objects are allowed.

c) Development classes can be viewed by using transaction SE80.

d) A CHANGE REQUEST contains objects that can be transported to QA-PRD.

e) A CHANGE REQUEST only contains one task.

52. Which one of the following statements would occur in the PBO of a dialog program using table control?

a) loop at itab with control itab_tc.

b) loop at itab.

c) set screen '0100'.

d) module user_command.

e) module exit at exit-command


data n type i.

do 5 times.
If n > 0 and n < 5.
n = n + 1.
elseif n = 5.
n = n - 5.
n = n - 1.
Write: / n.

If n = 3, what is the output of this code after execution?

a) 2-

b) 1-

c) 0

d) 3

e) 5

54. You have added an append structure to a standard SAP table. What happens to the standard table when a new version of the table is imported during an upgrade?

a) The standard table is returned to standard.Therefore, the append structure must be manually re-applied

b) The append fields are automatically appended to the table upon activation but you must still convert the table

c) All append structures are deleted. A new append structure must be created and then appended to the standard table

d) When the standard tables are activated, the append structure is automatically appended to the standard table

55. What can you NOT attach a search help to?

a) type

b) field of a table

c) check table

d) data element

e) table

56. Which of the following does not physically exist in the underlying database? More than one answer is correct.

a) View

b) Internal table

c) Structure

d) Transparent Table

e) Domain

57. What conditoins apply for a LEFT Outer Join in OPEN SQL?

a) Only 'Or' can be used as a logical operator in the ON condition

b) A join statement is found to the right of the join operator

c) At least one field from the table on the right is required for comparison in the ON condition

d) A Left Outer Join is not permitted in OPEN SQL

58. What is true about a check table?

a) Foreign key fields can accept only values which exist in the check table

b) Check table fields can accept only values which exist in the check table

c) Foreign key fields can accept any values regardless of the check table

d) Check tables are not used for restricting values in the foreign key tables

59. Full buffering would be appropriate for what type of tables?

a) Small Static tables

b) Transaction Tables

c) Tables with generic Keys

d) Internal Tables

60. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field?

a) Domain short text

b) Search help

c) Data element documentation

d) Domain Help values

61. What are the main functions of a Data Dictionary? More than one answer is correct.

a) To insulate the ABAP/4 developer from the database

b) To support the creation and management of metadata (data about data)

c) To provide data security at the application level

d) To connect to the operating system

62. Structure MY_STRUCTURE is created in the dictionary. When does the structure get created in the underlying database ?

a) At the beginning of the table creation

b) When the database administrator physically creates the table

c) When the table is activated

d) At the end of the table creation after it is saved.

e) It does not correspond to an object in the underlying database and does not get created

63. What is the recommended method to modify a standard search help to include customer defined search paths?

a) Add an elementary search help to the standard search help

b) Enhance the standard search help with an append search help

c) Add a collective search help to the standard search help

d) Perform a modification to the standard search help

64. Where are Dictionary runtime objects used ?

a) in the dictionary

b) in structures

c) in table "nametab"

d) in work processes

65. If you want a subroutine U to have a formal parameter P that is used to return a value to the actual parameter . Which of the following definitions of U would you use to ensure that the value is passed back to the calling program only if the processing of U ends normally and is not terminated with a message statement ?

a) Form U changing P.

b) Form U using P.

c) Form U changing value(P).

d) Form U using value(P).

e) Form U using P local P.

66. You want to go from dialog processing to list processing using a selection screen . Which statements would you use?

a) call screen .

b) read list.

c) call transaction .

d) leave to ist processing followed by call selection-screen .

e) selection-screen followed by parameters.

67. Which component on the application server controls the data traffic between work process and presentation server?

a) SapGui.

b) message handler.

c) dispatcher.

d) Dynpro processor.

e) frontend processor.

68. Which options exist for extending a table without having to modify a table within the ABAP Dictionary? More than one answer is correct.

a) append fields to the table.

b) use append structures.

c) use customer includes.

d) CI includes.

e) Insert new table fields.

69. Which of the following steps should be carried out in a transaction that implements updates ? More than one answer is correct.

a) read the record that is to be updated.

b) lock the record that is to be updated.

c) pass the changed data to the update process.

d) unlock the record that is to be updated.

e) call the Abap command commit work.

70. Which enhancements planned by SAP are maintained in transaction CMOD (SAP enhancements)? More than one answer is correct.

a) Table appends

b) Menu exits

c) function module exits

d) User exits

e) Screen exits

71. Why would you group corrections together? More than one answer is correct.

a) To enable several corrections to be assigned to the same transport.

b) To transport objects from different development classes.

c) To prevent other developers from processing the same objects.

d) To enable several developers to process the same object in parallel.

e) To retain versions of several objects together.

72. Which statements are allowed if you are working with an internal table of type sorted? More than one answer is correct.

a) Append

b) Collect

c) Sort

d) Read

e) Modify

73. How can you set the status and title for a modal dialog box?

a) In the attributes of the corresponding screen.

b) Before the corresp. call screen statement.

c) In a PBO module of the corresponding screen.

d) In the PAI module of the corresponding screen.

74. Which ABAP datatype would you use for calculations which require high degree of precision?

a) P

b) I

c) F

d) N

e) X

75. Which of the following statements about R/3 instances are correct? More than one answer is correct.

a) An R/3 instance is an administrative unit that combines together all the components of a R/3 system that provide one or more services.

b) A central R/3 system consists of one or more Instances.

c) Each instance has its own SAP buffer area.

d) Each instance contains at least one dialog service .

SAP ABAP Certification Questions 2