SAP ABAP Certification Questions 2

SAP ABAP Certification Questions 2

76. Where can you find the SET/GET parameters that has been assigned to a screen field? More than one answer is correct.

a) in table TPARA.

b) in the object list of the module pool.

c) in the F1 help for the screen field under technical info.

d) in the field list of the screen in the screen painter.

e) in the window with possible values.

77. Which letters are allowed to be the first letter in the names of customer defined tables,structures and global types? More than one answer is correct.

a) Y

b) Z

c) W

d) T

78. What must you do to undo DB changes previously issued in a dialog? More than one answer is correct.

a) output E message.

b) perform rollback work.

c) raise exception.

d) Analyze log record.

e) code rollback LUW.

79. An update function module VF is called within subprogram VU .The program contains the call , VU on commit . At which point are the parameters for the update function VF evaluated ?

a) when perform is executed

b) at the beginning of function

c) at commit work

d) at start of v1 update

e) at the end of the dialog step

80. Which events and statements determine the end of an SAP LUW in an online program with synchronous update? More than one answer is correct.

a) call function in update task

b) the start of the next dialog step

c) commit work (explicit)

d) call screen

e) leave to list processing

81. What methods can be used to set the values for printing an online list? More than one answer is correct.





82. What does a LDB(Logical Database) provide?

a) Consistent and flexible user interface

b) Central performance improvements for update accesses

c) A method to access the data in a random manner

d) Centrally defined authorization checks

83. When you EXPORT an internal table that has a header line to ABAP/4 memory, what is the result?

a) Only the contents of the internal table is stored

b) Only the header line is stored

c) The header line and contents of the internal table are stored

d) You cannot EXPORT an internal table with a header line.

84. Which Report Statement option determines the width of a list?

a) Line-Size

b) Line-Count

c) Line-Width

d) Report Size

85. What happens to memory when the Export is executed without specifying ID. i.e EXPORT object to memory ?

a) The ABAP memory is completely overwritten

b) SAP Memory is overwritten

c) ABAP memory sets up a new default area

86. Mark the valid values for a checkbox . More than one answer is correct.

a) Any Alpha Character

b) Space

c) 0

d) 1

e) X

87. When does the processing block for a Get statement end?

a) When the next keyword event is encountered

b) When all data has been retrieved for the Get

c) After each PUT in the LDB

d) When the END GET statement is encountered

88. What technique would you use to fix the 10 leftmost columns on a list when scrolling to the right?

a) Set Left Scroll-Boundary Column 10

b) Set Right Scroll-Boundary Column 10

c) Scroll List PS+<10>

d) Scroll List Left

89. When does the system reset the formatting on a Write statement?

a) When explicitly changed using the Format statement

b) At any New Event

c) Using the Reset option of the Format statement

d) All of the above

90. Which type is not a valid GUI Status type?

a) Online(Dialog) Status

b) List Status

c) Dialog Box

d) Context Menu

91. What does the following code achieve?

At Selection-Screen on value-request for sales.

Call screen 100.

a) When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen

b) When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help

c) When the user presses F4, Screen 100 is displayed instead of the normal possible values search help

d) When the user presses F1, Screen 100 is displayed in addition to the normal help screen

92. Which of the following are valid logical database types? More than one answer is correct.

a) Table

b) Structure

c) File

d) Complex Data Object

e) Node

93. Program A issues the following statement SUBMIT PROGRAM B. What takes place?

a) Program B becomes active in the same internal session of Program A

b) Program A becomes active in the same internal session of Program B

c) Program B runs in a new internal session

d) User Context is flushed

94. What is the code required in order to scroll the 3rd detail list to page 5 ?

a) Scroll LIST 3 5

b) Scroll LIST Index 3 to Page 5

c) Scroll LIST sy-index 3 to Page 5

d) Scroll LIST sy-lsind 3 to Page 5

95. For called program components that are of type transaction or report, what is true about the roll area (assuming processing will resume in the calling program).

a) They run in their own roll area

b) They run in the roll area of the caller

c) Share the same roll area

96. Select the line that would execute in the following code after the EXIT statement

10 get spfli.

20 * Processing of SPFLI records

30 write: spfli-carrid, spfli-connid.

40 counter = counter + 1.

60 if counter > 1.

70 Exit.

80 endif.

90 write:/ ‘No more processing for this Carrier’.

100 get sflight.

110 write: sflight-fldate, spfli-price.

120 end-of-selection.

130 write: / text-002, text-003.

a) 80

b) 100

c) 120

d) 130

e) Exits the Program

97. What is not a valid functional area type?

a) LDB

b) Sequential Data Set

c) Program

d) Search Help

e) Joined Tables

98. Which is not a valid option of the Write Statement?


b) Input

c) Centered

d) Under

e) No-Zero

f) As RadioBox

99. What are the 3 main sub objects of a LDB? More than one answer is correct.

a) Structure

b) Selection Screen

c) Search Helps

d) Tables

e) DB Program

100. What is needed to ensure a check field is verified against the referenced key field of the check table?

a) same data element is required for check field and referenced field

b) same domain is required for check field and referenced field

c) same data type only is required for check field and referenced field

d) all key fields MUST have domain equality between check table andn foreign key table

SAP ABAP Certification Questions 2